of Registrar Rules
gTLDs (.com/.net/.org)
Verify and check if the administrative contact (Admin-c) email address
is properly working. If not, you won't be able to complete the transfer
Your domain name must have been registered for at least 60 days with your
current registrar
Check your domain expiration dates. If expired you should renew them through
your previous Registrar and only after that you'll be able to ask for a transfer
Check if the domain name(s) undergoing the Transfer of Registrar is currently
involved in a dispute or on Registry Lock
Check if there is a pending bankruptcy of the domain name holder
Read carefully the email you'll receive from your previous Registrar the
following days after the transfer request
- Confirm
to your previous Registrar your will to transfer your domains to NetRegister,
following all the passages and times to reply they ask you to
- Check
your email. If you are transferring your domain away from, Networksolution
(Verysign), Tucows and others, there is an additional step added to the transfer
process: it has come to our attention that this Registrars requires their clients
to affirmatively acknowledge a transfer of registrars prior to releasing the name
to NetRegister. If the registrant does not provide a confirmation of their
intent to transfer, they will consistently deny the transfer request. Please
follow the directions in the message to confirm the transfer of your domain
- The
transfer process may take approximately 10 calendar days to be completed,
at which time you will receive a notification email from NetRegister
- You
can retry the transfer for 3 times