Reserved Domain Names
Version 3.5
(Text version)
This document contains the list of the reserved domain names, as specified in article 7 of the Naming Rules.
In the ISO/IEC 10021 tables, the value of the Administration Domain "ADMD"
field is generically given as . You should replace it with any Italian
ADMD name or with one of the two special fields "0" (zero) or " " (blank).
1. Geographical Reserved Names
The following names are not assignable:
- at second level (IPS) and as PRMD (ISO/IEC 10021) and "Org" (X.500):
- the names of the Italian Provinces
- the names of the Italian Regions
- the two letter codes of the Italian Provinces
- the three letter codes of the Italian Regions
- the names corresponding to Italy identification
- just below the name or code of the belonging provice:
- the names of the Italian Cities
More over are reserved domain names also the english translations of the geographical reserved names.
In the provinces and regions where are in use, according to the italian law on ethnic-linguistic minorities, also languages different from the italian language, also the tranlsations in these languages of the geographical names are considered reserved names.
The Reserved Domain Names are listed in Tables 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4, in IPS, ISO/IEC 10021 and X.500 format.
2. General Use Reserved Names
The following names are not assignable at second level (IPS) and at PRMD (ISO/IEC 10021) and "Org" (X.500), or anyhow below a fully geographical branch:
The General Use Reserved Names are listed in Tables 2.1, and 2.2 ,
in IPS, ISO/IEC 10021 and X.500 format.
3. Public Administration Domain Names
The following names are reserved and thus assignable only to the corresponding public administration:
- the name "regione" below the geographical domain name corresponding to a region or its code listed in Table 1.2
- the names starting with "regione" followed (with or without the character separators "-" or "di") by the corresponding geographical name or by its code listed in Table 1.2
- the names corresponding (with or without the character separators "-" or "di") to the official name of the Ente Regione, below the top level domain listed in Table 1.5
- the names corresponding (with or without the character separators "-" or "di") to the official name of the Ente Regione, below the geographical domain name corresponding to the regions or its code listed in Table 1.2
- the name "provincia" below the geographical domain name corresponding to a province or its code listed in Table 1.3
- the names starting with "provincia" followed (with or without the characters separator "-" or "di") by the corresponding geographical name or by its code listed in Table 1.3
- the names corresponding (with or without the character separators "-" or "di") to the official name of the Ente Provincia, below the geographical domain name corresponding to the regions or its code listed in Table 1.5
- the names corresponding (with or without the character separators "-" or "di") to the official name of the Ente Provincia, below the geographical domain name corresponding to the regions or its code listed in Table 1.3
- the name "comune" below the geographical domain name corresponding to a city listed in Tabella 1.4
- the names starting with "comune" followed (with or without the characters separator "-" or "di") by the corresponding geographical name listed in Table 1.4
- the names corresponding (with or without the character separators "-" or "di") to the official name of the Ente Comune, below the geographical domain name corresponding to the regions or its code listed in Table 1.4
In the areas where according to the italian law the multi-linguism is on duty, are reserved domain names also the translations of "comune", "provincia" and "regione" in the relative language and the corresponding terms starting with the relative translation in that language.
1.1 - Reserved Names corresponding to Italy
1.2 - Geographical Names corresponding to the Italian Regions
1.3 - Geographical Names corresponding to the Italian Provinces
1.4 - Geographical Names corresponding to the Italian Cities
1.5 - Top Level Domain Corrisponding to the ccTLD "it"
2.1 - General Use Reserved Domain Names: services and network protocols
2.2 - General Use Domain Names: gTLD