your domain automatically with the Online
Wizards ! The
fax number for the procedure for changing the Internet Service Provider is +39
050 570230
XYZ company was an assignee of xyz.it (the following points are
valid also for geographical sub-domains of third and fourth level) domain and
decided to change its Internet provider from ABC-MNT to PHOENIX-MNT
(NetRegister). Do this: 1.
XYZ company must send a communication
via ordinary mail or via fax (+39 050 570230) to the Italian Registration
Authority stating the intention to change its ISP from ABC-MNT to PHOENIX-MNT(NetRegister).
This communication has to be signed by the one reported as admin-c within the
electronic form or by the legal representative of the company/body/association. The
communication has to include the following relevant data: - name
and surname,
- date and place of birth,
- residence
- identification number (ex. taxpayer
code, passport number, identity card number) of the requestant (admin-c or legal
- company's headquarter location,
- identification number (Chamber of Commerce
or Enterprise registry registration number).
Letter sample (the text must be in Italian, preferably on headed paper)
Below there is the English version, but ONLY to facilitate a better understanding
of the content Oggetto: cambio provider/maintainer
Il sottoscritto .................... (specificare: nome e cognome, data e luogo
di nascita, indirizzo di residenza, codice fiscale), della società XYZ (specificare:
sede della società/ente/associazione, numero di P. IVA), assegnataria del
dominio xyz.it, in veste di ....................................... ( RIPORTARE
ESCLUSIVAMENTE: admin-c del dominio in oggetto o legale rappresentante del soggetto
che ha in uso il nome a dominio) richiede il cambio di provider/maintainer da
.......-MNT a PHOENIX-MNT. Il sottoscritto (nome
cognome) Firma leggibile per esteso "Ai sensi dell'art.10,
comma 1, della legge 31 dicembre 1996, n.675, i dati personali forniti dai richiedenti
saranno raccolti presso l'Istituto per le Applicazioni Telematiche per le finalità
strettamente connesse all'operazione di cancellazione del nome a dominio in oggetto
e saranno trattati presso una banca dati dello IIT per lo svolgimento delle operazioni
relative alla richiesta stessa. Il conferimento di tali dati all'Istituto
di Informatica e Telematica del CNR è obbligatorio ai fini della valutazione della
domanda di cancellazione. L'interessato gode dei diritti di cui all'art.13
della citata legge. Il responsabile del trattamento dei dati è il Direttore dell'Istituto
di Informatica e Telematica." |
Object: provider/maintainer
change Here, the undersigned.............................(specify: name
and surname, place and date of birth, residence address, identification number
- ex. taxpayer code, passport number, identity card number) of company XYZ,
(specify: company's headquarter location and its identification number - Chamber
of Commerce or Enterprise registry registration number) assignee of domain
name xyz.it, as ..........................................(EXCLUSIVELY: admin-c
of the domain name or legal representative of the company that manages the domain
name), requests the provider/maintainer change from ........-MNT to PHOENIX-MNT.
The undersigned (name and surname) Legible signature in full
"According to art.10, 2nd paragraph, of Italian law n.675 of 31st December 1996,
the personal data provided by the requestant will be gathered by the Institute
of Informatic and Telematic exclusively to process the operation of provider change.
It is mandatory to provide the above mentioned data so that the Instituteof Informatic
and Telematic will correctly examine the request of provider change. The interested
party has all rights that come from art.13 of the quoted law. The Director of
the Institute of Informatic and Telematic is responsible of the data treatment."
On receiving this notification:
- the RA modifies the xyz.it domain present
registration in the database (within 10 working days), modifying the value
of "mnt-by" related attribute from "mnt-by: ABC-MNT"
to "mnt-by: CHANGING-MNT".
This last value corresponds to
a maintainer created expressly to allow the immediate identification of those
domains for which the ISP change is ongoing. - The
RA sends to both the provider/maintainer a provider change statement and urges
NetRegister to send an updated registration form for xyz.it.
Having received the new form (since the receiving of the syntactically correct
form, RA has 10 working days to conclude the registration phase or to highlight
some faults to NetRegister), RA does this: - checks
the primary and secondary nameserver configuration for that domain;
- adds
the postmaster e-mail address in the postmita@nic.it list, if it is not there
- erases the old form postmaster
address, if the person was only the postmaster for the xyz.it domain;
- modifies,
if necessary, the delegation of xyz.it on the nameserver of .IT (in case of sub-geographical
domains in which the related geographical domain is not managed by RA, the RA
sends the delegation modification request to its manager);
- carries
out the new form registration in the RA and RIPE databases;
- communicates
the delegation change to the old provider/maintainer.
Herewith, please read and take note of the art.5.2
of the Registration Technical Procedures:
assignee of a domain name sends the request for changing maintainer/provider.
This request must be signed by the one indicated as admin-c in the registration
form or by the legal representative of the subject that uses the domain name.
The request must specify the name of the present and the future maintainer. The
Italian Registration Authority modifies the content of the "mnt-by"
field within the electronic form (contained in the RNA) and inserts the value
"CHANGING-MNT", that identifies the domain names which are currently
changing provider/maintainer. Then,
the Registration Authority sends an e-mail to the providers/maintainers involved
in this change, communicating the beginning of this procedure. Consequently, the
RA invites NetRegister to send via electronic mail the new registration form for
the domain name, updating the data. At
this time, the RA applies the check procedures as described in art. 2.2.2,
2.2.3 and 2.2.4.
Furthermore, the RA checks that the previous provider/maintainer has removed the
delegation. If the previous provider/maintainer does not do so, it will be stopped
from registering domain names in the future" We
strongly recommend you read the most frequent mistakes list reported below in
order to pre-check your request. 5.
The provider/maintainer change most frequent mistakes: - The
requestant is not the admin-c of the domain name, nor the legal representative
of the company which manages the domain name;
- The
business/corporate name of the company is not the same as the one indicated when
the domain name was registered;
- The business/corporate
name is not indicated in full (Ex. The requestant belongs to PIPPO Srl, but the
request comes from PIPPO);
- The letter has
not been signed;
- The letter is not legible;
- The names of the old and the new provider/maintainer
are not indicated correctly (Ex. It is indicated the name of the POP that backs
the maintainer);
- The provider/maintainer name
is not indicated with the MNT abbreviation (in order to check the correctness
of the provider/maintainer name, we invite you to make a query to the WHOIS
database, typing the provider/maintainer name);
- The
new provider/maintainer has not signed a contract with the Registration Authority
- The domain name is still under registration
or does not exist in the RA database.
rough From 4 hour to 2-3 days
(if all documents received by RA are correct). Note:
the Registrar/Maintainer transfer procedure is always started by the replacing
Registrar/Maintainer instead of the previous Registrar/Maintainer.