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Domain Procedures


The RA may revoke the assignment of a domain name in the following instances:

1. The assignee renounces the domain name:
the RA must receive a written request from the domain name assignee (admin-c if the assignee was an individual person or a free-lance; the legal representative if the assignee was a company, a public administration or an association). The communication has to include the following relevant data:

  • name and surname,
  • date and place of birth,
  • residence address,
  • identification number (ex. taxpayer code, passport number, identity card number) of the requestant (admin-c or legal representative),
  • company's headquarter location,
  • its identification number (Chamber of Commerce or Enterprise registry registration number).

Example of domain name cancellation
The letter must be in Italian.
(The English version reported below aims to facilitate a better understanding of its content)

Example of domain name cancellation if the assignee was an individual person or a free-lance

Oggetto: cancellazione del nome a dominio.........................

Il sottoscritto .................... (specificare: nome e cognome, data e luogo di nascita, indirizzo di residenza, codice fiscale), admin-c del sito in oggetto, chiede la cancellazione del dominio ....................... (nome dominio).

Nome Cognome
Firma leggibile per esteso

"Ai sensi dell'art.10, comma 1, della legge 31 dicembre 1996, n.675, i dati personali forniti dai richiedenti saranno raccolti presso l'Istituto per le Applicazioni Telematiche per le finalitā strettamente connesse all'operazione di cancellazione del nome a dominio in oggetto e saranno trattati presso una banca dati dello IIT per lo svolgimento delle operazioni relative alla richiesta stessa.
Il conferimento di tali dati all'Istituto di Informatica e Telematica del CNR č obbligatorio ai fini della valutazione della domanda di cancellazione.
L'interessato gode dei diritti di cui all'art.13 della citata legge. Il responsabile del trattamento dei dati č il Direttore dell'Istituto di Informatica e Telematica."

English version:

Object: cancellation of the domain name ..................................

Herewith, the undersigned ................................... (specify: name and surname, place and date of birth, residence address, identification number - ex. taxpayer code, passport number, identity card number), admin-c of the domain name in hand, request the cancellation of the domain name ........................

Name and Surname
Legible signature in full

"According to art.10, 2nd paragraph, of Italian law n.675 of 31st December 1996, the personal data provided by the requestant will be gathered by the Institute for Telematic Applications exclusively to process the operation of cancellation of the domain name.
It is mandatory to provide the above mentioned data so that the Institute for Telematic will correctly examine the request of cancellation of the domain name.
The interested party has all rights that come from art.13 of the quoted law. The Director of the Institute for Telematic Applications is responsible of the data treatment."

Esempio di lettera di cancellazione qualora il sito sia stato assegnato a una societā/ditta, ente o associazione

Oggetto: cancellazione del nome a dominio.........................

Il sottoscritto .................... (specificare: nome e cognome, data e luogo di nascita, indirizzo di residenza, codice fiscale), rappresentante legale della (specificare: nome e sede della societā/ente/associazione, numero di P. IVA) .............................., chiede la cancellazione del dominio .......................(nome dominio).

Nome Cognome
Firma leggibile per esteso

"Ai sensi dell'art.10, comma 1, della legge 31 dicembre 1996, n.675, i dati personali forniti dai richiedenti saranno raccolti presso l'Istituto per le Applicazioni Telematiche per le finalitā strettamente connesse all'operazione di cancellazione del nome a dominio in oggetto e saranno trattati presso una banca dati dello IIT per lo svolgimento delle operazioni relative alla richiesta stessa.
Il conferimento di tali dati all'Istituto di Informatica e Telematica del CNR č obbligatorio ai fini della valutazione della domanda di cancellazione.
L'interessato gode dei diritti di cui all'art.13 della citata legge. Il responsabile del trattamento dei dati č il Direttore dell'Istituto di Informatica e Telematica."

English version:

Object: cancellation of the domain name ..................................

Herewith, the undersigned................................... (specify: name and surname, place and date of birth, residence address, identification number - ex. taxpayer code, passport number, identity card number), legal representative of the company/public administration/association (specify: company/body/association name and location and its identification number - Chamber of Commerce or Enterprise registry registration number) ................................, requests the cancellation of the domain name ........................

Name and Surname
Legible signature in full

"According to art.10, 2nd paragraph, of Italian law n.675 of 31st December 1996, the personal data provided by the requestant will be gathered by the Institute for Telematic Applications exclusively to process the operation of cancellation of the domain name.
It is mandatory to provide the above mentioned data so that the Institute for Telematic will correctly examine the request of cancellation of the domain name.
The interested party has all rights that come from art.13 of the quoted law. The Director of the Institute for Telematic Applications is responsible of the data treatment."


This request must be sent via ordinary mail or via fax to: +39 050 570230

Necessary documentation to be sent to the Registration Authority (in Italian ONLY):

  • In case of a company/public administration/association, the cancellation letter must come ONLY from the legal representative of the company assignee of the domain name;
  • In case of an individual person/free-lance, the cancellation letter must come with a copy of the identity card of the requestant.


2.Official revocation
In the following instances:

  1. shortcoming of the objective and subjective elements which determined the assignment of a domain name, i.e.:
    • a provider/maintainer which no longer wishes to maintain a domain name, must give written notification to the RA
    • The RA will enter the domain name in a particular category named NO-PROVIDER-MNT
    • It sends a notification of the alteration to the assignee of the domain name by registered post
    • if, after three months, the RA has not received any communication from the assignee of the domain name, it will cancel the name, notifying it to the provider/maintainer.
  2. Lack of documentation requested by the RA for the domain name registration, i.e.:
  3. The invisibility or inaccessibility of the objects belonging to the assigned domain name for more than three months.
    • the technical check is undertaken by the RA;
    • in this case the domain may not be reassigned for use during the month that follows the date of revocation.


3. Revocation following arbitration sentence or judicial decision
In the following instances:

  1. in view of an arbitration decision or a judicial sentence which establishes that the assignee of the name does not have the rights to use it:
    in this instance the RA notifies both provider/maintainer and the domain name assignee of cancellation, specifying the reasons and enclosing the relevant documentation. The revoked domain will immediately be available to subjects other than the previous assignee, except where this is disallowed by the arbitration decision or sentence.


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