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Domain Names questions

How long can a domain name be ?
Length may vary, from 3 to 63 types.

For domain names registered under the geographical structure, the limit is between 1 and 63 types.

What scripts are allowed ?
Scripts allowed in domain names are "a"-"z" letters, "0"-"9" digits and the symbol "-" (hyphen).
Domain names must not begin or end with the symbol "-" (hyphen).
Use of double "-" (hyphen) (e.g.: is not recommended.

Can physical or juridical people living in or belonging to an European Union Member State register domain names under ccTLD "it" ?
Physical or juridical people living in or belonging to an European Union Member State (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden) can register domain names under the ccTLD "it".

Other territories do not belong to the European Union such as: the Principality of Monaco, Vatican City, San Marino, Andorra, Liechtenstein.

The new Naming rules allow natural persons to register domain names too.

Can the documentation required for .IT domain registration be sent in a different language (English, French, etc..) ?
No, all forms must be sent in Italian.
The English translations contained in our site are only for a better understanding of the Italian text.

Can an .it domain be registered free by no-profit associations and/or agencies ?
No, no free registrations are granted; you can, however, contact NetRegister and ask if lower rates can be applied to such organisations.

Can a .IT domain name be reserved ?
No, this is forbidden by Naming Rules .

How can the status of a .IT domain name registration be checked ?
Using the public-access interface which can be found at:

After registering, can one be protected from similar registrations ?
There is no way to do this, except within the limits established by the Civil Code concerning the protection of rights, unfair competition and deeds of confusion.

What is the relationship between a domain name and a trade name ?
According to the Naming rules, a domain name is a web address and does not imply any reference to trade names or other commercial rights.

What is a third-level domain name ? And a fourth-level one ?
A third-level domain name is a domain name with an additional level separator, a ".", followed by a region or province. For instance: .

A fourth-level domain name is, instead, a domain name with two additional level separators, followed by a municipality and province. For instance:

What is a second level domain name ?
The domain name system has a hierarchical structure:
The component furthest right to the domain name is called the Top Level Domain. Top Level Domains are often country code, for example .it (Italy), .be (Belgium), .nl (The Netherlands), .... However there are also generic Top Level Domanis, for example .COM, .NET and .ORG

The three "newest" generic Top Level Domains are .INFO, .BIZ. and .NAME. Other TLDs will be added soon.

The second level domain is the component chosen by you, on the left of the Top Level Domain. So is a Second Level Domain.

To these SLD's a domain name holder can associate, by means of a number of technical procedures, all the Internet services: WEB, e-mail:, FTP-service and other.


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