of Assumption of Responsibility questions |
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is the letter of undertaking of responsibility (LAR) ?
the letter of undertaking of responsibility, the domain name assignee becomes
civilly and criminally liable in full for the use of the requested domain name.
This is why the LAR must contain the following information: - applicant's
identification details; - understanding of the basics of the use of Internet
network and resources; - examination of the rules established by the
Naming Authority (NA), concerning technical registration procedures;
- understanding of and compliance with the principles set forth by Netiquette
document (URL). Using a provision included in the LAR, the applicant
can also undertake to remit any dispute related to the requested domain name to
an arbitration committee established at the NA. Signing the arbitration provision
is optional. How
many types of LARs do exist ?
They are five: 1.
Natural persons (Individuals); 2. Associations/Foundations; 3. Boards/Institutes;
4. Independent professionals; 5. Companies/Firms.
are to be drawn up as instructed by the assigning rules, provisions
4, and registration techniques, provisions
1.2. Has
the LAR to be sent on letterhead ?
No, letterhead is no longer
has to send the LAR ?
domain name applicant. Do
I need to send a LAR for every domain registration request ?
for every domain registration request you must send a LAR to +39 050 542420. How
many LARs can I simultaneously send by fax ?
recommend no more than 4 pages.
can a nic-handle be cancelled ?
the nic-handle to be removed is not linked to a domain name yet, an application
for cancellation - inclusive of the applicant's personal details - must be faxed
to the RA (+39 050 570230). If such nic-handle is linked, instead, to a registered
domain name, an application for cancellation
must be sent by e-mail to domain@nic.it.
can the right type of LAR be selected ?
must always check how the assignee organisation is incorporated. It is important
to check, for instance, if the organisation is registered with the Chamber of
Commerce or if it is incorporated by statute or by law or legislative measure
or administrative provision.
independent professionals have to provide their personal VAT registration numbers
or that of the firm to which they are partners ?
independent professionals, one must always check if the future assignee will be
the independent professional or the office which the independent professional
is generally a partner to. In the former case, the independent professionals'
and the relevant LAR must be sent. In the latter case, the companies'
form must be sent.
there a craftsmen's register ?
There may be a one-man business of which the craftsman is the owner. In this case,
it is important to send the companies' form instead of the independent professionals'
does an independent professional have to enter in each area if he/she is not registered
with any professional roll ?
reason must be specified in the letter and "no registration in a professional
roll required" or "not subject to registration in a professional roll"
must be written in the special area.
