|  |
are the valid characters for a domain name and how long can it be ?
choosing the name for your domain, always remember that: - you *can't*
use stressed vowels (such as à, é, ò, etc.); - you *can't*
use symbols (such as ' + . , | ! " £ $ % & / ( ) = ? ^ * ç ° § ; : _ > ] [ @ );
- the name's length must range between 3 and 63 characters (excluding the extension);
- the name can neither start nor end with the character "-", although the character
"-" is allowed inside the name. So, to name your domain you can use any letter,
numbers between 0 and 9, and the symbol "-". . Length may vary, from
3 to 63 types. For domain names registered under the geographical structure,
the limit is between 1 and 63 types. Where
do I begin the registration process ? 
To begin the registration
process, please visit www.netregister.biz. Enter
the domain name you are interested in registering in the "www." field. Click the
"Click" button to continue. If the domain name you want to register is available,
you will be guided through the rest of the registration process, and will be prompted
to provide administrative and organizational contact and billing information. I
only wanted to register my domain name for one year, but your page defaulted my
registration to two years. Can I get rid of the extra year ?
Once you have registered
your domain name for a specified registration term, you cannot change the registration
term. NetRegister adheres to a no refund policy on all registered domain
names. This includes all fees in whole or in part, even if your domain name registration
is suspended, cancelled or transferred prior to the end of your current registration
term. This policy agreement can be found at http://netregister.biz/contratto.htm.
All customers requesting to use NetRegister's domain name registration services
are bound by this agreement. If you registered your domain name for
a term that is longer than you had intended, you will contract the domain name
for use for the duration of that period. Who
is the legal registrant of a domain name ?
"registrant" of a domain name is the original administrative contact listed at
the time of registration unless the registrant has been changed pursuant to a
formal transfer of registrant request. Changes in the administrative contact without
such formal transfer of registrant request will be visible in the WHOIS record,
however, this information may not be that of the actual registrant of the domain
name. How
much time does it take from the beginning of the registration process till the
effective registration of the domain name you requested ?
Registrations under
.IT takes more or less 2 to 4 hours, subdivided into 2 steps: we receive a notification
of the Registration Authority Italiana whether or not the domain name in question
effectively in registration is on your behalf (after you have sent the Letter
of Assumption of Responsability via fax). You may proceed to the payment of the
domain name. In the last step the Registration authority Italiana has to announce
the domain name on the internet. The Registration Authority scrupulously respects
the chronological order of the arrival of the requests for registration. Once
I registered my domain name, how can I make use of it ?
After having registered
your domain name you might want to create your own personal or business web site.
Therefor you need to have web space. Aftewards you can also create your personalised
e-mail address, for example yourname@yourdomain.it. The advantage of registering
your domain name is that it is yours and it will remain yours for a period of
12 months. Your domain name is unique and no-one else may use it. When registering
your domain name through NetRegister we setup our authoritative DNS (Domain Name
Server) as default dns. However you can also indicated your own DNS. This service
is entirely free of charge. The DNS identifies the Internet computer to which
the domain name you registered will be configurated. NetRegister also
offers its customers the possibility to redirect their domain name to already
existing website. URL-forwarding implies that the domain name you registered will
be redirected to another web address, leaving the domain name unaltered in the
browserwindow. In our URL-forwarding services is included e-mail forwarding. E-mail
forwarding consists in indicating an e-mail address of your choice on your web
site, for example john-smith@yourname.it All messages that are being sent to that
virtual e-mail address are delivered to the inbox of the address you currently
use. Another free service we offer is the change of IP (Internet Protocol
Number). An IP address is really no more than a numerical address where hosts,
computers or routers can find eachother on the Internet. This combination is unique,
no two machines have the same IP address. For further details about the
services offered by NetRegister: Click on "SERVICES" in the menu. I
do not have a VAT-number. Can I still register a domain name .IT ?
Yes, also individuals
can register a domain name .IT. However they can register only one domain name
whereas those who are in the possesion of a VAT-number can register an unlimited
number of domain names. This is different for the domain names with extensions
.COM .NET and .ORG. Both individuals and owners of a VAT-number can register an
unlimited number of domain names. This applies also for .BIZ and .INFO Domain
Names. Who
can register a domain name under the Top Level Domain .IT ?
Since 15 December
1999 all individuals or companies belonging to a country of the European Union
can register domain names under .IT. Those in the posession of a VAT-number
can register an unlimited of domain names. Individuals an the other hand
can register only 1 domain name under .IT How
long does the domain registration take paying by credit card ?
The domain registration
will be active on the real time. How
many domain names can be registered under the ccTLD "it" ?
LNatural persons
having a taxpayer's code and associations with no VAT registration number or taxpayer's
code may register one domain name only with the RA. Companies, firms, associations,
public administrations and independent professionals having a VAT registration
number may register any number of domain names. Where
shall I send the LAR (Assumption of Responsability Letter) ?
Just fax it to +39
050 542420 (Registration Authority Italiana). What
is LAR ?
You have to send
LAR to the Italian Registration Authority in order to register your domain .it
with NetRegister, Via Fax: +39 050 542420 Or Via mail
at the address: Registration Authority Italiana C/o Istituto per le
Applicazioni Telematiche del CNR Via G.Moruzzi, 1 56124 PISA.
You may get this form automatically when you order a domain or through the "Documents"
link of our site.The Valid data is belonging to the domain owner and not to the
billing data. It is important that the LAR data correspond to the owner data ,
otherwise the domain registration will be denied and you will have to repeat all
the procedure. We reccomend you to send Lar as soon as possible, otherwise the
registration procedure with the Authority cannot be carried on. When the Authority
get LAR, we may conclude the registration procedure. Attention!!! It can happen
that your require domain has already been registered by another person. In this
case you have to wait for the Authority response. 1) If you have
registered a domain of another person, you will have to register (if you can)
a domain with another extension (.com .net .org) or choose another name. If you
choose the .it extension, you will have to complete the LAR again. 2)
If the domain on the registration process is denied, you will have to send again
the Lar the next day after the refusal.
In order to check the status of
.it domain's registration click on "Domain Status" (Whois Settings) link in your
Control Panel or use use this link http://www2.nic.it/Maintainer/nic.html
and write a domain name without www (for example netregister.it). If you
have entered incorrect data, your error will be indicated via e-mail and you will
have to send again the Lar to the Authority.
Completing the LAR
It is important to complete correctly every field of the LAR. You have
5 types of LAR:
1) LAR for associations: you have to complete the
fields relating to: city, date, name, domain, domain holder's first name and last
name, association's name, date of establishment, date, registration's number and
address, N.I or V.A.T number. 2) LAR for Public Bodies: you
have to complete the fields relating to: city, date, domain name, domain holder's
first name and last name, body's name, legislative reference, please specify if
it is a law, legilsative or administrative measure and its date and number, N.I
or V.A.T number, agreement or not with bodies checked by AIPA. 3) LAR
for Professional: you have to complete the fields relating to: city, date,
domain name, domain holder's first name and last name , V.A.T number and possible
subscription at the Register indicating the subscription Number. 4)
LAR for Individual: you have to complete the fields relating to: city,
date, domain name, holder domain's first name and last name, date, place of birth,
address, State/Province, N.I 5) LAR for Comanies/Business: you
have to complete the fields relating to: city, date, domain name, holder's first
name and last name, company or business's name, subscription at the Chamber o
Commerce which included city, subscription's data and number, V.A.T number, business
or company's address.
Please, don't modify LAR text (except the
fields) because you will have to repeat all the procedure. After completing and
printing the LAR, the domain's holder has to sign the LAR, otherwise the registration
procedure will not be valid and you will have to send LAR again. What
about Change of Provider/Maintainer Letter ?
You have to send
the letter to the Italian Registration Authority in order to transfer your domain
.it to NetRegister, Via Fax: +39 050 570230 Or Via
mail at the address: Registration Authority Italiana C/o Istituto per
le Applicazioni Telematiche del CNR Via G.Moruzzi, 1 56124 PISA. Are
personal details absolutely intrinsic to successful registration ?
Yes, the Italian
Naming Authority requires such info by law. Can
one .it domain be substituted with another ?
With a company you
can register other domains - but they CANNOT be substituted. As a private individual,
meanwhile, you can cancel one domain and register another (or wait until the former
expires). How
long does the registration procedure take for .it domains ?
It takes at least
3-4 hours starting from the day when the Italian Registration Authority receives
your Letter of Undertaking. Don't forget that the Letter of Undertaking is mandatory
and that priority in assigning a domain is given to the first person who stakes
a claim. How
many domains can I register in my name ?
The .it domains
can be registered only by companies (with VAT code) and private individuals (with
a tax ID) having a legal presence in any EU member-state. Private European individuals,
without a VAT number, can register only one .it domain. European companies, with
a regular VAT number issued by their respective country, can register an unlimited
number of .it domains. I've
already got a .com (.net/.org/etc.) domain, may I register a .it ?
Yes! Remember the
limit fixed to only one .it domain for private individuals. How
will I know when my domain name registration is up for renewal ?
You don't have to
wait for your domain name registration to expire before you renew it. You
can extend the term of your domain name registration at any time by clicking on
the Renewal link in NetRegister's Control Panel.
In order to ensure that our customers' online identities are protected, NetRegister
will send you a notification email 60/45/30/15/5/4/3/2/1 days before your current
domain name registration term is set to expire. Additionally, you can check
the expiration date(s) of your domain name registration(s) through domain Control
Panel, which is located here. How
long does it take for changes to DNS information submitted through Domain Manager
to take effect ?
changes take up to 72 hours for your DNS changes to be effective across the Internet.
I need to own or register a DNS (Domain Name Server) ?
You do not need
to own or register your own DNS (Domain Name Server) in order to register a domain
name or to sign up for Email or Web hosting Services. How
much does it cost to transfer the registrar for my domain name ?
To transfer the
name and extend your domain name registration by one year, the fee is 15 euro. What
information do I need in order to initiate a registrar transfer for my domain
name registration to NetRegister ?
In order to transfer
the registrar for your domain name, you will need a valid credit card and access
to the administrative contact email address on file for the domain name with the
current registrar. Please click here to
submit your transfer request online.
am already a NetRegister customer; can I add a domain name to my existing workgroup
account if I transfer my domain name registration to NetRegister ?
If you already have
a NetRegister workgroup account (user name and password), you may add the domain
name(s) being transferred to the existing workgroup by logging in as an existing
user when completing the online transfer form. How
do I transfer registrant of a domain name registered through NetRegister ?
Go to Documents
to access the appropriate form, which includes complete instructions on what needs
to be submitted before NetRegister can process the Transfer of Registrant request
for your domain name. Note: This form can only be used to Transfer Registrant
for domain names that have NetRegister listed as the registrar. Why
would I need to transfer registrant of a domain name ?
the event that you would like to transfer, buy or sell a domain name, the only
way to legally change the registrant information on file for the domain name is
to undergo an official Transfer of Registrant with the registrar for the domain
name. How
much does it cost to transfer registrant of a domain name and which registrant
is responsible for the fee ?
The fee for transferring
the registrant of a domain name is 15 euro, which can be paid for by the current
registrant, the prospective (new) registrant, or a third party. However, the prospective
(new) registrant is held responsible for the fee, if it is not paid.
The remainder of the existing registration term is then transferred to the new
registrant. Who
negotiates the terms of transferring registrant between the current registrant
and the new registrant ?
The terms for transferring
a domain name (i.e., transferring registrant) are to be negotiated and agreed
upon by the current registrant and the prospective registrant. NetRegister does
not mediate such agreements. Will
changing the administrative contact and/or organizational contact information
listed for my domain name change registrant of the domain name ?
No, the only way
to legally change the registrant of a domain name is to undergo a formal Transfer
of Registrant. Go to Documents
to access the appropriate form, which includes complete instructions on what needs
to be submitted before NetRegister can process the Transfer of Registrant request
for your domain name. What
is AIPA ?
The Autorità per
l'informatica nella Pubblica Amministrazione (Authority for Informatics in Public
Administration), also known as AIPA, is an independent authority established by
law decree no. 39 of February 12th, 1993, concerning "Regulations on automated
information systems in public administrations" (as amended by art. 42 of law 31st
December 1996, no.675). "Independent authority" means a public administration
making its own decisions based on law, without any Government's or Parliament's
direct interference. The Authority is a board consisting of five people,
who make joint decisions. If the members disagree, the decisions are taken by
majority vote. It is composed by a Chairman, appointed by the Prime Minister
following a Cabinet's deliberation, and by four members. The members
are appointed by the Prime Minister based on a proposal submitted by the Authority
Chairman and following a Cabinet's deliberation. The chairman and the
members hold their office for four years and can be re-appointed only once.
The operation of the Authority's departments and services are the responsibility
of the General Manager, who is appointed by the Prime Minister based on a proposal
submitted by the Authority Chairman. The General Manager holds his office
for 3 years and can be re-appointed. The Authority Chairman has his own
Cabinet and a public relation service. For more information: http://www.aipa.it
does "NO-PROVIDER" mean ?
It is a status in
which a domain name may be placed when the provider/maintainer does not want to
manage it any longer. The provider/maintainer is, however, compelled
to keep it working for 3 months after giving notice of placement in NO-PROVIDER
status; after such period, if the NO-PROVIDER status continues, the domain is
officially written off by the Registration Authority, which will inform the old
provider/maintainer. What
is the procedure to place a domain name in NO-PROVIDER-MNT status ?
wanting to place one or more domain names in NO-PROVIDER-MNT status shall send
us a specific request by fax to +39 050 570230 or by surface mail to the Italian
Registration Authority's address, possibly on letterhead and signed by the maintainer
object's admin-c or tech-c , requesting to place one or more domain names in NO-PROVIDER-MNT
status. How
can the NO-PROVIDER status be changed ?
wanting to place one or more domain names in NO-PROVIDER-MNT status shall send
us a specific request by fax to +39 050 570230 or by surface mail to the Italian
Registration Authority's address, possibly on letterhead and signed by the maintainer
object's admin-c or tech-c , requesting to place one or more domain names in NO-PROVIDER-MNT
status. How
can an application for domain name registration be "cancelled" ?
The LAR's signer must send a letter of cancellation of the application for domain
name registration, also specifying the name of the company/association/board,
Example of application
for name cancellation if the applicant was a natural person and independent professionals Subject:
cancellation of application for domain name registration................ I,
the undersigned.........., (INCLUDE ALL DETAILS, AS IN THE LAR), the signer
of the AR letter, ask for the application for domain name registration to be cancelled........... Name
and Surname Legibile signature in full |
Example of application
for name cancellation if the applicant was a companies/firms, boards and associations
bject: cancellation of application for domain name registration................ I,
the undersigned.........., the signer of the AR letter, authorised to act on behalf
of the company/firm, board, association..........., (INCLUDE ALL DETAILS, AS
IN THE LAR), ask for the application for domain name registration to be cancelled...........
Name and Surname Legibile signature in full |
there any difference between .it and .at.it (.co.it, .is.it, .to.it, etc.)domains
The .it extension refers to Italy. The other .xx.it extensions refer
to Italian provinces: .at.it stands for Asti, .co.it Como, etc. You *don't* have
to reside or operate in that province to register a .xx.it domain, but the two
letters preceding the .it extension *must* correspond to the abbreviation for
an Italian province. If you try to obtain a domain named "webstuff.dj.it", your
request would be refused, because "dj" does not belong to the list of Italian
province codes. It would work, for instance, with the name "webstuff.mi.it". .xx.it
domains are often used to create appealing names with a meaning in English, such
as see.to.it, what.is.it, etc. Is
the Letter of Undertaking compulsory ?
It is compulsory only when registering .it domains. So, if you are registering
domains under any other extension (.com, .org e .net) the
Letter of Undertaking is *not* required at all. The
Italian Registration Authority fax number is always engaged: what shall I do ?
You can also send the Letter of Undertaking by surface mail - or, better still,
by registered post (the address may be found on the Letter of Undertaking). Otherwise,
you can hold on and continue trying to fax: no. +39 050 542420. How
can I get in touch with the Italian Registration Authority offices in Pisa ?
You can contact the Italian Registration Authority by telephone ( +039 050 3139811
) or via e-mail ( staff@nic.it ). For further information, visit: http://www.nic.it/RA/index.html Why
might the Registration Authority reject my Letter of Undertaking ?
Your Letter of Undertaking (LAR) can be rejected when data are missing, or if
there are errors (someone else may already have registered or requested to register
the domain you asked for. If the Registration Authority rejects your Letter of
Undertaking, your domain registration will fail. I
am not VAT-registered. What should I write in the 'legal representative' fields
Should you register as a private individual, in the fields marked 'legal representative'
you need enter your name and surname. Who
will inform me that domain registration has been completed successfully ?
After paying the registration fee, you will receive an e-mail containing your
personal 'username' and 'password'. Enter them into the appropriate fields in
our homepage ("login" link) to access your Control Panel. There you will be able
to check your registration status. You also will be informed via email. I
don't know how to access the control panel. Can you help me ?
In the e-mail we sent you confirming your order, you will find your 'username'
and 'password'. When you want to check your control panel, enter both sets of
data in the Domain Control Panel login. I've
lost my username and password. What can I do now ?
If you need to receive your username and password again, please contact out Technical
Staff I've
completed the online procedure, but my domain still appears to be available on
your site. Is there any problem ?
If you're registering a .it domain, remember that the registration procedure adopted
by the Italian Registration Authority takes 3-4 hours on average. During this
time your chosen domain still appears to be available. If you are registering
.com, .org o .net domains, registration is updated on a daily basis - thus, the
domain will continue to appear available until at least one day following registration. Are
minors allowed to register .it domains ?
No, they aren't. Only adults can register .it domains. Can
individuals residing in Monaco (San Marino, Andorra, etc.) register .it domains
No, they can't. .it domains may only be registered by companies and legally-registered
individuals from an EU member-state. I
am no longer interested in my .it domain: how can I delete it ?
To delete a .it domain please send a signed
declaration in which you state your willingness to delete the domain, to:
Authority Italiana Istituto per le Applicazioni Telematiche del CNR
Via Giuseppe Moruzzi, 1 56124 Pisa fax: +39 050 542420 | How
can I find out who has already registered a given domain ?
If you want to know who is already registered with NetRegister, just visit our
home page and enter the domain name, as if you were trying to register
it. If the domain is already taken, you'll be able to see to whom it belongs via
the WHOIS option: "Click here to know who the domain has been assigned to". I've
registered a .it domain. Can I sell it to another person ?
Under the new registration procedures (v. 3.6) adopted by the Italian Registration
Authority, a new procedure exists for the transferral of a .it domain upon
agreement of the parties. For further information, visit Technical
Procedures ver. 3.6 